
Each record is a Case report and then contains:

  • Which form was used to capture data, in which version,

  • The captured data, identified by the patient ID,

  • The user and the date at which the record was created,

  • The list of actions that were performed on the case report.

An action on the case report contains the following information:

  • The type of action: init when the interview is started, pause when it is paused and complete when it is finished,

  • The user who performed the action,

  • The timestamp at which the action was performed.

List of records

Delete record(s)

To delete several records:

  • Select one or more record in the list,

  • Press the Delete selected records button and confirm.

You can also delete a specific record by pressing the record’s Delete action button.

Filter records

The list of records can be filtered by:

  • Case report form (and therefore the associated form and its revisions used to collect data), by selecting the case report form in the select box,

  • Form (any revisions), by selecting the form in the select box,

  • Captured time range, by selecting the From and/or To dates,

  • Patient ID, by entering a string to match in the open text box.

Download records

For consistency, records are always grouped by their form-revision. The downloaded file will contain:

  • The data in the selected format,

  • The data dictionary, which is a translation of the form schema: each item (capturing data) is a variable (labels are included within the variable, options are the variable’s categories etc.).

The download formats proposed are:

  • CSV, downloaded as a text file in CSV format. There is one section per “Case report form”. The header line of each section are the variable names.

  • CSV (zip), downloaded as a ZIP archive containing: one folder per form-revision including the data dictionary in variables.json file and the data in data.csv file. The CSV files header line are the variable names.

  • Excel, downloaded as an Excel file containing several work sheets: Variables are the variables for each of the “Case report form” (named by the table column), Categories are the variable categories and one sheet per “Case report form” holding the data in tabular format (one column per variable).

  • JSON, downloaded as a single JSON object dump made of: one entry per form-revision, each of these containing the data array and the variables.

Note also that:

  • When the list of records is filtered, only the filtered records are downloaded,

  • Each download is audited: who triggered the download, with which filter criteria, about which patients,

  • The meta information about the record (user, history of actions) are not included in the downloaded file.

View record

View the captured raw data of a single record by pressing the Eye button.