How to extract case report records data and dictionary?

The records of a study’s case reports can be downloaded in a file from the study’s Data collection > Case reports page.

Step 1 - Filter the records of interest

When the list of records is filtered, only the filtered records are downloaded. The list of records can be filtered by:

  • Case report form, by selecting the case report form in the select box,

  • Form, by selecting the form in the select box,

  • Capture time range, by entering From and/or To dates,

  • Patient ID, by entering a string to match in the open text box.

Step 2 - Select the download format

The download formats proposed in different formats.


The file downloaded is a text file in CSV format. There is no data dictionary included, only data (with one column per variable). The CSV file is divided in sections: one per form and its revision.

CSV (zip)

The file downloaded is a ZIP archive containing one folder per form-revision. Each of these folders includes:

  • the data dictionary in a variables.json file,

  • the data in data.csv file. The CSV files header line are the variable names.


The file downloaded is an Excel file, containing both the data dictionaries and the data. This Excel file contains several work sheets:

  • Variables is a work sheet describing each variable for each form revision (identified by the table column),

  • Categories is a work sheet describing each variable categories (i.e. select options),

  • one work sheet for each form revision’s collected data.


The file downloaded is a single JSON object dump. It is made of one entry per form-revision, each of these containg:

  • the data array of collected data objects (one per case report),

  • the variables array of variable objects (one per form field).